Fuel Bunker Monitoring
Fuel transfer bunkering system is essential to the viability of bunkering operations. With consistent, accurate, and timely data on fuel movement, the profitability of any bunkering operation can be optimised. eGenKit is the perfect remote monitoring solution for fuel bunkering. eGenKit provides real-time data on fuel transfers to and from bunkering vessels and containers. eGenKit works with precision fuel flow meters such as Coriolis Flow Meters to accurately measure fuel transfers and provide that data to you in real-time. eGenKit enables always-on connectivity with the eGenKit server through cellular and satellite networks. With this connectivity, you can easily view historical and real-time fuel movement of your bunkering operation through your computer. eGenKit aids in the procurement transparency of fuel transfers and ensures that your bunkering operation remains profitable.
eGenKit enables you to do the followings:
- Obtain consistent, accurate, and timely data on fuel movement
- Real-time data on fuel transfers to and from bunkering vessels and containers
- View historical and real-time fuel movement of your bunkering operation easily
- Optimised profitability
- Improve Marine fuel efficiency
- Fuel Monitoring System
- Fuel Theft Prevention
- Propeller Shaft Torque Monitoring
- CCTV Ship Tracking
For fuel bunkering, eGenKit captures the following data and more:
- Location of bunkering/de-bunkering
- Fuel flow rate
- Total Mass and Volume transferred
- Fuel temperature over time (per minute)
- Fuel density over time (per minute)
- Aeration percentage over time (per minute)