RTU & Data Concentrators

Nowadays the need to communicate or interconnect Intelligent devices in the industry is increasing. In some cases the end customer, utilities and manufacturers from different industries need to monitor or even control different types of equipment. Fanox presents a wide gamma of devices to help end customers to solve these issues, providing secure, flexible and adaptative Smart Grid solutions in Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution sectors.

With the Fanox Experience in the Industrial Sector for more than 25 years, the communication section is created as a complement to help to interconnect relay in all levels, offering and guaranteeing a complete solutions for the Smart Grid Industry at the same time that ensure maximum interoperability between multiple utility assets.

SYNC 2100 series – Intelligent RTU

SYNC 2100 series of Intelligent Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) are ideal for various T&D I/O monitoring, Distribution Automation and Substation Monitoring applications.

SYNC 3000 series – Substation DCU

Kalkitech’s SYNC 3000 data concentrators are proven solutions meant for heavy duty substation applications, and have been used in various applications in power generation, transmission and distribution segments across the world. This rack mount product is ideal for new and upcoming substation automation requirements of the Smart Grid and R-APDRP. It has enhanced communication security features as well as IEC61850-3 level robustness. SYNC 3000 can be used for niche applications including disturbance data recording, ICCP based control center communication and many more.

SYNC 4000 – Control Center Front End

SYNC 4000 products series are Control Centre level Front end servers used for variety of high performance and heavy duty data collection applications including Wide Area Monitoring, SCADA/DMS Data Aggregation, M2M Data Concentration, etc.